Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thing 9 RSS feeds

Ok so I added all these RSS feeds to my yahoo including news links and golf.com's feed - who can resist all the tips about how to fix your chicken wing golf swing!!! I also added The Next Web from Technorati which was the absolute best organization of blogs that I saw. I chose to use my yahoo because Google had an issue giving out information about its users that I did not want to happen to me. The most confusing tool was the topix.net which resulted in popups even though I have popup control on and some very odd "news", and news that I would have been happier not knowing. (Robbery at a local Walmart). Sometimes I just don't want to know!!

1 comment:

  1. not sure I understand your issue with Google reader...just be sure that you understand the concept of what a reader is and how it keeps your things updated automatically for you. Guess I better go check out the yahoo version...never seen it!
